Growing Up Gosnell

Sometimes I am sure you guys get sick of seeing pictures of me. I mean Lord, I get sick of pictures of me so I wanted to share some Gosnell cuteness today of my favorite humans (besides Steve of course) and some of their favorite looks to wear. (Sidenote: Jax being a boy actually could care less what he is wearing but put on a brave face for us to take pictures hahaha). I am not always able to post as much as I would like to but one of the biggest reasons for that is because I am a busy mom of three awesome kids. I wouldn't change that for the world. They are my life, my whole world and I would just be lost without them. They are each in a completely different phase of life than the other so you can imagine juggling all of their different needs and wants can keep you busy for sure! Can I get an Amen? As I explained to you in my "About Me" section, between my husband and I we have three amazing kids. It's a bit of a yours, mine, and 'ours' situation that has turned into one big crazy family. My husband and I both had children from our previous relationships/marriage and when we got married we had our son Jax. Like most blended families, it definitely was a struggle at first. How do you get two girls to like eachother much less look at eachother as sisters?!?! It was difficult at times and I'm pretty sure they hated first. Once their baby brother was born, it was like everyone realized "Ok...we really are one big family now and none of us is going anywhere" and the kids stopped viewing eachother as "step" this or "half" that and more as just siblings. Although it took some time, watching all of their relationships evolve was something really cool for my husband and I to see. Being that they are all different ages can make it hard for us to have the three of them all at the same time and smiling so when I am able to get that...I document it.

What about you? Are you from a blended family? Or, are you currently trying to become a new blended family? Share with me your experiences. I would love to hear them!

Here are three of their favorite looks they put together while this weather in Atlanta can't seem to make up its mind if it is Winter or Spring. You can also shop each of their looks below!










Ciao Ya'll!

Sarah xoxo